hibernation week
We’re back! And what a beautiful morning it was. Fresh cold snow glistened on our patch of grass just in time for us to discuss why animals hibernate in the winter.
An important part of hibernation is trying to understand how an animal can slow their body down enough that it almost seems dead. What better way to explain this then some fun hands-on movement and calming down activities? We had them run around to get that heart beat up enough to feel it. Then we focused on our calm breathing and meditation to slow it back down and help our body feel calm and cool.
Next, we discussed what makes a home. Is it the stuff inside of it or is it the warmth, love and safety? Breaking off into different groups, the children got to brainstorm what would make a good home for their bears. They collected various materials creating teepee shaped structures, while some found the safety of a tree as a perfect shelter for their bear.
At the end, we allowed the children to tell their peers about their beautiful creative structures.
Ending our first day back with some reflection, we drew in our nature journals and told about what “Our bear home would look like.”